

Do you work in the health and beauty sector and don’t know how to stand out even more from your competitors? Dress To Care dares to give you some tips. Prepare your team to do this!

  1. Have planned and personalized conversations with your client. Provide them with excellent service. In the areas of health and beauty, you are in constant, almost intimate, contact with clients. Therefore, in addition to developing quality work in a pleasant and harmonious environment (this is the basic), it is necessary to plan and focus on a good conversation properly personalized with each client. Whenever possible, show them why and how you will apply your knowledge/technique in their specific case. Point out the expected results. And this can happen during the treatment, at the end, at the beginning… Deliver more than just a treatment, deliver a purpose! Why? So that it is logical to return at the next appointment, whether it is tomorrow or in 6 months.
  1. Invest in your training. Display your certificates and those of your team in a visible place in your clinic. Mention them to your clients when appropriate and whenever possible, provide them with practical and useful knowledge for their daily lives. There are more and more professionals working in these areas. For that reason, it is necessary to distinguish yourself from your competitors. Invest in your training by taking quality courses and acquiring new knowledge.
  2. Take care of the image – yours, your team’s, the clinic’s. In a professional context, the way we dress and present ourselves to others is very important. Choose uniforms that are suitable for the work environment, comfortable, and elegant, and above all, that make you feel good. Also, listen to your team. Show self-care and professionalism.

By implementing these three tips, you not only stand out but also build a solid reputation. In the meeting between competence, care, and customer relationship, lies the secret to lasting success.

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