The payment methods available at www.dresstocare.pt/en are as follows:


If you choose to pay for your order with PayPal, you will be redirected to https://www.paypal.com/home so that you can pay with your PayPal Account or Credit / Debit Card quickly and securely without sharing any financial information.


Credit or Debit Card

We accept payments with Mastercard and Visa credit cards and Maestro debit cards. After confirming your order, you will be automatically redirected to the payment page where you must enter the following data: card number, expiry date, CVV/CVC (these are the three digits shown on the back of your card) and the name that appears on your card. Finally, just click on “PAY” and the payment will be made.


Bank transfer

If you choose to pay for your bank transfer order, please transfer to

IBAN PT 50 0007 0000 0046 5456 2472 3

indicating your order number so that we can identify your payment and proceed with shipping.